iPhone XR colours - what are the options? — Phones Direct
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iPhone XR colours - what are the options?

iPhone XR colours - what are the options?

The iPhone XR is available in 6 fantastic colours:

  • White
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Coral
  • Yellow
  • Red

Getting close up to the iPhone XR. 

Most of the images you'll find of the iPhone XR are stock images, so it makes a nice change to find some real world shots. Youtuber Marques Brownlee took some great photos back at the iPhone XR launch - these are featured below.

iPhone XR White

iPhone XR front white

 iPhone XR White back

iPhone XR Black

iPhone XR black front

iPhone XR black rear

iPhone XR Blue

iPhone XR blue front

iPhone XR blue rear

iPhone XR Coral

iPhone XR coral front

iPhone XR coral rear

iPhone XR yellow rear

iPhone XR yellow front

iPhone XR yellow rear

iPhone XR Red

iPhone XR red front

iPhone XR red rear


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